The Commander's Cup Golf Tournament 2023

Other Sports


The Commander's Cup Golf Tournament 2023 the premier event in the golfing calendar will be held at the Air Force Eagles' Golf Links and Courses (AFEGLC), which will be hosted by the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF), often with the untiring assistance of Dialog Enterprise persuading as the Main Exclusive Sponsor. The event will take place in the spectacular Eagles' Golf Links in China Bay, Trincomalee, from 20 to 22 January 2023.

This will be the 10th iteration of the tournament which commenced since 2013, and this milestone event is being set together under the guidance of the Commander of the Sri Lanka Air Force and Chairman of the AFEGLC, Air Marshal Sudarshana Pathirana. More than 100 male and female golfers from across the country and around the world are actively signed up for the tournament.

The Eagles' Challenge Trophy, which will be accorded to the top performer among serving members of the armed services, will be up for grabs in addition to the major trophy, among the tri-forces golfers (both male and female). These distinguished trophies, along with other titles and accolades will be awarded during the Awards Ceremony Night, which will be held on 21 January 2023, and will be graced by the Commander of the SLAF, Air Marshal Sudarshana Pathirana.

The tournament will be powered by Dialog Enterprise, who's really alluding as the Main Exclusive Sponsor for the Third Consecutive Year and highlighting the positive approach to optimizing golf in the country. The Group Chief Officer of Dialog Enterprise, Mr. Navin Peiris said that “We are honored to partner with Sri Lanka Air Force for the third consecutive year to make this prestigious Commander’s Cup Golf Tournament at the scenic Eagles’ Golf Links, Trincomalee a success. The Commander’s Cup brings together top ranked players from Sri Lanka's golfing fraternity and provides players from the Tri-Forces, Police & civilians an inimitable opportunity to hone their skills at a unique and beautiful golfing location.

Further, he stressed that Dialog Enterprise maintains a close association with the sport of golf in Sri Lanka by sponsoring golf clubs, tournaments, golf development for children, supporting leading golfers on national & international scale, and by uplifting the livelihoods of communities connected with the sport. In commemorating the 10th edition of the event, we are happy to aide in digital education & connectivity for three schools in Trincomalee in partnership with SLAF & like-minded companies. We look forward for a competitive weekend of golf!”

Moreover, Trinco Blu by Cinnamon and JAKB Beach Resort and Spa will join hands with the tournament as Hospitality partners, offering golfers a special rate unique to this tournament.

As the Commander's Cup Golf Tournament embraces its tenth year this year, the SLAF and Dialog Enterprise have extended their generous hands together to assist the Trincomalee community through a series of Community Service Responsibility initiatives. As a result, three schools Trincomalee Girls' High School, Kinniya, Ravaneshwaran Tamil School and Nalanda Vidyalaya China Bay will each be received brand-new computers and accessories for the IT laboratory and high-speed internet connectivity as courtesy of Dialog Enterprise, while much needed infrastructure renovations will be carried out by the SLAF.

The Commander's Cup Tournament is currently underway with registration being closed.